Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Homemade Map Letters!

So for my next build I went for something a little less messy, letters! Handing a personalized letter can really give extra impact and speaks volumes about how much you care about the recipient, so here goes!!!!

Step One) Find the template.... I had a cheap white paper letter on hand. Essentially I just re-created it

Step Two) Take it apart.... Carefully unfold the envelope so that its all spread out like such:

Step Three) Copy!!!  Take out an old map (although any material of equal size will work) and trace you envelope onto it. I recommend using pencil, since its easy for your letter to slip on the map material.

Step Four) Cut our your new letter!!!

Step Five) Using Glue ( I chose a simple glue stick) Fold up your letter. Its important to look at your template to make sure you are folding it right.

Step Five) ENJOY!!!!

Here is what the inside might look like:

Monday, March 14, 2011

My Belt Wrist-Band

The other day I had an old belt get torn up at the end. However the buckle was still usable so I really didnt feel like throwing it away. So I cut the end off and drilled a couple holes to create and original (and classy, depending on the buckle) wrist band... And heres how!!

Step 1) Cut the belt at a distance that it will comfortably loop around your wrist (Remember, when cutting, you can always take more off, you cant put more length on!!!) You want the belt to go around your wrist and still be able to fit though the buckle loop (not all belts have these)

Step 2) Poke holes into your belt for the prong to go through. This can be the hardest step since some belt materials can be seriously tough. I had to bust out the power drill for mine! I created a number of holes so I would have some flexibility. Remember, you want it as snug as you can get it (So the belt fits seamlessly around your wrist) but loose enough for your hand to get blood!

Step 3) Put it on!!!! Once you have the perfect fit for you, try it on. It might seem a bit bulky at first but after a few minutes you wont even notice its there! The coolest thing about this that your creativity is only stopped by what belts you can find. For my example, my belt was two sided (a black and a brown side) so I can change the color to match my outfit better. Likewise, different buckles, prongs and belt designs each make yours more unique and personal!

Until next time!!!!!

Update: I got some snaps from Hobby Lobby just to make it look a little more clean :)